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Repair Washer Resources

Title image for blog article "How Does a Pressure Transducer Work?"
How Does a Pressure Transducer Work?
5 min readDec. 05

Learn how a pressure transducer works to detect water level in a washing machine.

Title image for blog article "How Does a Top Load Washing Machine Work?"
10 min readDec. 04

Learn how a top-load washing machine works and how to use and maintain the washer.

Title image for blog article "How Does a Mixing Valve Work?"
6 min readNov. 26

Learn how a mixing valve works to control water temperature in a washer.

What's the Reason Behind My Washer Drum Being Loose and Banging Around image
6 min readNov. 18

Learn why your washer drum is loose and banging around and get professional advice on fixing it. Contact Sears Home Services for a reliable repair service.

Title image for blog article "How Does a Hall Sensor Work?"
7 min readNov. 14

Learn how a hall sensor works in a washer to control spin basket speed and direction.

Is Repairing a Maytag Washer Worth It?
5 min readOct. 22

Discover if it's worth fixing a Maytag washer with Sears Home Services.

Homeowner seeing an error code on her Samsung washer.
7 min readOct. 18

Seeing error codes on your Samsung washer can be confusing.

Image of a washing machine.
4 min readOct. 18

When your washing machine starts vibrating and shaking, it's not just an inconvenience—it's a disruptive event that demands immediate attention.

Image of homeowner finding a slow filling washer
5 min readOct. 16

Are you tired of waiting for your washing machine to fill up? We have some simple solutions that can help you solve this common issue.

Image of homeowner experiencing a washer spin problem
5 min readOct. 16

Encountering a washer that refuses to spin can be a frustrating experience, but resolving this issue may be simpler than you think.


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