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Table of Contents

A Cold Home and High Energy Bills

Clogged Air Filters

Soot Around the Furnace or Flickering Flames

A Cracked, Frayed or Sagging Belt

Strange Noises From Your HVAC

You Haven't Checked Your System in a While

Your HVAC Unit Is Old and Keeps Breaking Down

Schedule your HVAC maintenance now!

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7 Sure Signs Your HVAC System Needs Pre-Winter Maintenance

5 min readUpdated Apr. 03, 2024Lyle WeischwillHVAC
Here are ways to get your HVAC systems in top shape in time for winter

As we wave goodbye to the warmth of summer and welcome the crisp air of fall, followed by winter’s chill, the performance of your HVAC system really starts to matter. Keeping up with regular servicing and maintenance is crucial. Think of it as not just a way to extend the life of your system but also to keep your home cozy and comfortable, no matter what the weather’s doing outside. To make sure it’s always running smoothly and to avoid those inconvenient breakdowns, an annual maintenance check is a must-do. Getting this check-up done isn’t just about ticking a box; it’s about making sure your system works efficiently, helps you save on those energy bills, and steers clear of unexpected and pricey repairs down the line.


  • Annual maintenance checks are essential for ensuring your HVAC system operates efficiently, preventing costly breakdowns during the winter months.
  • Regularly replacing air filters and addressing early signs of wear, such as strange noises or soot accumulation, can significantly enhance your system's performance and safety.
  • Considering the replacement of an aging HVAC system can lead to improved energy efficiency, reduced repair costs, and a more comfortable home environment.

Don’t get left in the cold. Here are some ways to get your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system in top shape for winter.

Fall nights are getting chillier, and soon the winter winds will begin to blow. Is your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system up to the task?

Even if it turns on when you crank up the heat, your HVAC system may not be functioning at full capacity. If that’s the case, you’re potentially putting undue strain on your system, and that often translates into more wear and tear and higher energy bills. So before the temperature drops too low, consider calling for an HVAC system tune-up — especially if you notice some of the following telltale signs.

A Cold Home and High Energy Bills

The onset of colder weather should mean your home becomes a cozy retreat with the help of your HVAC system. If your furnace is on but your home remains chilly, or if you've noticed a significant hike in your energy bills, these are clear indicators that your system may be underperforming. Here are some common culprits a technician can identify and address:

  • Faulty Thermostat: The device might not be gauging the temperature accurately.
  • Pilot Ignition Problems: Issues here can prevent heating altogether.
  • Faulty Air Distribution Fan: Can lead to inadequate heat distribution.
  • Leaky or Clogged Ductwork: Compromises system efficiency and increases energy costs.

Clogged Air Filters

Air filters play a crucial role in maintaining the air quality in your home and ensuring your HVAC system operates efficiently. However, they can easily become clogged with dust and debris.

  • Increased Energy Use: A clogged filter forces the system to work harder.
  • Poor Air Quality: Leads to dust and allergens circulating in your home.

Remember to check and replace your filters regularly during the heating season.

Soot Around the Furnace or Flickering Flames

Visual inspections of your furnace can reveal signs of potential problems, such as soot accumulation or a flickering flame, which are not only efficiency concerns but also safety hazards.

  • Poor Combustion: Signaled by soot buildup and can lead to inefficient heating.
  • Carbon Monoxide Risk: A yellow, flickering flame is a serious safety concern.

Don’t delay getting a professional inspection to safeguard your system’s efficiency and, more importantly, ensure your safety.

A Cracked, Frayed or Sagging Belt

For furnaces that rely on electric blowers, the condition of the fan belt is integral to the system’s operation.

  • Inspect Annually: Look for signs of wear and tear.
  • Replacement: If the belt is damaged, replacing it can be a straightforward task. While some homeowners are comfortable undertaking this as a DIY project, seeking professional replacement is recommended for guaranteed correct installation.

Strange Noises From Your HVAC

Your HVAC system is designed to run quietly. Any unusual noises can be alarming and often signal that something within the system is amiss. These sounds may indicate the need for minor adjustments or potentially signal more serious issues.

  • Clanging or Banging: Often indicate loose or worn parts.
  • Immediate Attention: These noises should prompt a call to a technician to avoid a breakdown.

Identifying and fixing such issues early can prevent more serious problems.

You Haven't Checked Your System in a While

If it's been a while since a professional last inspected your system, now is the time to act. Even if your system seems to be running okay, routine checks are crucial for maintaining your HVAC system’s efficiency and reliability. They're your first line of defense in catching and addressing minor issues before they escalate into major problems—like your furnace breaking down in the middle of a blizzard.

  • Annual Maintenance Checks: These are essential to ensure your system operates at peak performance throughout the year.
  • Early Detection: Regular inspections allow for the early identification of potential issues, preventing them from turning into costly emergencies.

Establishing and adhering to an annual maintenance schedule is your best strategy for ensuring a winter free from HVAC worries.

Your HVAC Unit Is Old and Keeps Breaking Down

Dealing with an aging HVAC system can often feel like a battle against an inevitable outcome. As systems age, they become less efficient, more prone to breakdowns, and often, a source of increased energy costs. Recognizing the signs that your HVAC system is past its prime is critical in making an informed decision about whether to repair or replace it. The cost and hassle of frequent repairs can quickly outweigh the expense of installing a new, more efficient unit. Regular maintenance is crucial, especially for older systems, to help assess whether repair or replacement is the most cost-effective solution.

  • Lifespan: Most systems are designed to last 10 to 14 years with regular service.
  • Frequent Repairs: Multiple repairs in a short span may indicate it's time for an upgrade.

Consider replacement options if your system is nearing the end of its useful life.

When you're ready to ensure your HVAC system is prepared for winter, schedule an HVAC check-up with an expert at Sears. Our goal is to keep your system running efficiently and your home comfortable throughout the cold season.

Schedule your HVAC maintenance now!

HVAC checkups from Sears Home Services help keep your heating and cooling system running at its best. Prevent costly repairs and can make your HVAC system more energy efficient with routine maintenance.

Call (213) 596-2538 or schedule online now.

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